Thursday, 31 March 2011

New friend, problems resolved

Woke up feeling a little guilty and it was a quiet ride to the LRT but my dad and I don't really talk much. Met a new guy who just finished his induction who sat next to me in the bus and there started a new friendship.

Well, my manager and I had a private talk and things sort of cooled off so... no biggie. Just glad it's nothing bad.

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

When your leader is not a leader

Woke up to hear the rain and got ready for work. Almost boarded the wrong bus but fortunately the drivers stopped me and told me to wait. Reached work breathless and decided to see the doctor at the clinic on the ground floor. On medication but continued working. Day didn't go too well sadly :(

Sometimes, I think to myself what good is a leader if he or she fails to set an example or even take things into consideration? Imagine your superior who you told of a flaw made by them walks up to you and questions you over something you couldn't commit or meet. Yes, I admit I was wrong but isn't the leader suppose to set an example? Leaders should start looking at themselves first before commenting on their subordinates. Call me rude, disrespectful but to me is, if you want respect, earn your respect. Also, learn not to speak to your subordinates of their faults openly in public. How would you feel if your flaw was done the same way? I am your subordinate but the embarassment of a subordinate highlighting a leader's error in public is worse. Where would that put the leader then? I tell the leader in private her mistakes but she comes up with excuses when the evidence is clear cut she's in the wrong. Sheesh, what kind of a leader is this?

Sometimes, I feel I keep quiet too long respecting someone whom I think of as my leader but maybe I should have told the person how I feel about him/her as my leader and share my thoughts. However, it is difficult due to the gap level and cultural difference and my way of thinking may cause a riot. Then again, best to get it off my chest but I have to be tactful and use diplomacy. If the leader is good, then he or she will accept his or her mistake and not just find fault with others. Otherwise, that person will lose my respect. I wish I had my old leaders who understood me better.

Maybe, I should start fresh all over or perhaps I have missed something. I just hope leaders learn to lead. To be a good leader, you have got to be a good follower first. Time for me to do one last hunt in MH and hit the sack.

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

A Day of dealing with customers, people, managing uncivic mindedness and ahh relaxation and all ended with good news :)

Weird day I had today. People who claim they can understand English or claim themselves that it is their mother tongue seriously need to consider a few things:

  • Do you argue with logic?

  • Do you simply sign up for a product without reading the terms and conditions carefully then start complaining when things don't go your way?

  • Do you have people asking you the same question over and over because they say they can't understand you?

  • If you have answered "Yes" to any of the above and claim to be good in English, then I seriously think you really need to go back to primary/elementary school and learn the basics. I know, "Customers are always right" but I had just about enough of arguing logic and T&Cs with some who just cannot admit "Customers can never be 100% right". Call me unfit to work as a CSR but I stand by what I say. That tells you how my day was at work. Anyway, fun is fun, my manager asked me what do I intend to do with the bonus and I said take my dad out? She asked me where and I said I wasn't sure lol.

    On my way home, I decided to unwind and go to Giant Hypermarket for a foot reflexology and back massage at Reborn. This guy Noel does a good job that I feel too comfortable and fall asleep half way through he has to wake me up when it's over lol. Unfortunately, the relaxation didn't last for long. Had stomach discomfort and had to use the washroom only to find someone didn't flush which disgusted me but I couldn't hold in and... I guess no details required of what I did.

    Came home to find the dragon (my dad) sleeping. Had a shower and still figuring out what to have for dinner then come back and catch mice. I guess I was a cat in my past life lol. To end the day, I received good news that my student who resat his English SPM paper passed with D. Not something to shout about but, from a fail to a D, I think it's a stepping stone in improving his English.

    Monday, 28 March 2011

    Starting where I left off

    Wow, more than 2 years since I last posted eh? Well...

    Nothing much happened between the 2 years after mom left and usual life's ups and downs. Things that changed my life a little e.g. Years ago when I was in school, I was a member of Red Crescent or Bulan Sabit Merah as they call it in Malaysia. Well, I rejoined and started training my old school SMK Kelana Jaya.

    I made alot of nice friends, learnt new things. It's kind of funny how you make friends with people online then meet them later outside. I know it's dangerous sometimes but there are a few I've known from my neighbour; another Adrian and some BSM members. One particular person was Han Zhang who actually made quite an impact in the way I think and someone who thinks wide and out of the box. He's like a brother to me but hey, as Henry Dunant (Founder of the Red Cross) said "All human beings are related", yeah I consider him to be my brother too. My mentor in MouseHunt too and loves to use XD as his smiley. Then we have Ezrul, Deepak and Imran. What can I say? Those 3 are BSM addicts like me lol.

    Moving on to work. Today, 2 pink panthers at work (Reuben and Masta) wearing pink shirts. Caught a dreadful cold and sneezed like hell but oh well. Worked half day and headed for the dentist as a surgical followup and glad that's over and my pain's gone. Gum inflammation which fortunately was detected early and treated with laser surgery. Lesson learnt from the dentist "People tell me they've brushed their teeth but how many brush their teeth the way they should?" Hmm and I am one of those who do brush my teeth but... *grins*

    Now to go back to MouseHunt and probably hit the sack early.