Wednesday, 30 March 2011

When your leader is not a leader

Woke up to hear the rain and got ready for work. Almost boarded the wrong bus but fortunately the drivers stopped me and told me to wait. Reached work breathless and decided to see the doctor at the clinic on the ground floor. On medication but continued working. Day didn't go too well sadly :(

Sometimes, I think to myself what good is a leader if he or she fails to set an example or even take things into consideration? Imagine your superior who you told of a flaw made by them walks up to you and questions you over something you couldn't commit or meet. Yes, I admit I was wrong but isn't the leader suppose to set an example? Leaders should start looking at themselves first before commenting on their subordinates. Call me rude, disrespectful but to me is, if you want respect, earn your respect. Also, learn not to speak to your subordinates of their faults openly in public. How would you feel if your flaw was done the same way? I am your subordinate but the embarassment of a subordinate highlighting a leader's error in public is worse. Where would that put the leader then? I tell the leader in private her mistakes but she comes up with excuses when the evidence is clear cut she's in the wrong. Sheesh, what kind of a leader is this?

Sometimes, I feel I keep quiet too long respecting someone whom I think of as my leader but maybe I should have told the person how I feel about him/her as my leader and share my thoughts. However, it is difficult due to the gap level and cultural difference and my way of thinking may cause a riot. Then again, best to get it off my chest but I have to be tactful and use diplomacy. If the leader is good, then he or she will accept his or her mistake and not just find fault with others. Otherwise, that person will lose my respect. I wish I had my old leaders who understood me better.

Maybe, I should start fresh all over or perhaps I have missed something. I just hope leaders learn to lead. To be a good leader, you have got to be a good follower first. Time for me to do one last hunt in MH and hit the sack.

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