Saturday, 23 April 2011

A Spelling Master who got it wrong and wisdom teeth that have no wisdom

If it is one thing I hate most is people who find fault with others but don't look at themselves first. Today, a customer actually sent a reply to the previous mail complaining over a small oversight in spelling made by my colleague (It wasn't the spelling but the word was incorrectly used). Yet, the customer made a spelling mistake herself. Amazing how people don't look at themselves before talking. Secondly, that person is from a country where English is its national language so let's see now which is worse; Someone who speaks English as their primary language and making a mistake or someone whose country uses it as a second language and makes a spelling mistake. Really people are so childish and petty finding fault over every small mistake but don't look after their own backyard like "Pot calling the kettle black".

Two months ago, I had my lower left wisdom tooth extracted as my jaw was too small to accomodate it. Strange enough it was the 17th tooth in the lower jaw and 33rd in the mouth (extra wisdom tooth) which I created history for my dentist when I had the first before it was removed. She said I am her first patient to have an extra wisdom tooth so I told her congratulations. The dentist usually recommends the upper wisdom tooth to be extracted as well to avoid biting on the gums but in my case, the upper tooth didn't break through completely so I thought I was safe. Unfortunately, someone had to open his mouth (yes, it was Naar) and said sure the upper one needs to be extracted, just wait and see. Oh boy, now I am suffering in pain as the upper wisdom tooth started pushing through properly and biting on the gum area that has no tooth on the lower jaw causing pain. Kids!!! Innocent but say things they don't mean to but can land you in trouble LOL! Well, looks like I have to pay another visit to the dentist *sigh*. Thanks Naar *sarcasm*.

Still in Calm Clearing after the Cyclops. Caught the relevant event mice in the Chocolate Factory.

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