Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Problem resolved? Or do we have to continue searching?

Already a week since I last posted? Been too weak to sit and type and now I am slowly recovering. Last week, met up with Jason at Berjaya Times Square for lunch. Saturday was CPR demo in SMKKJ and lunch with HZ.

Well, after going to ENT with the jaw mobility and TMJ check, I have been sent back to the dental team in regards to my problem. I just wish these people would do their job properly and stop chasing me around. This time, I was referred to Professor Shanmugam from the oral surgery team and Dr. Aung and another person attended to me discussing my problem. Something I never thought of was I had this habit of moving my mandible to the left and right aka paranormal jaw movement which is not good since it's supposed to move up and down only. He threatened to wire my jaw if I continued to do that lol. Also, to take small bites when eating. Followup next week. Forgot to mention that a cute mouse was at the ENT department sitting in a hole of a chair leg looking all round lol. I called it out and the little rodent came out but before I could catch it, it ran into one of the consultation rooms lol. I hope it didn't frighten the doctor :P

Pain has somewhat reduced and hopefully we will see the end of this saga too. Been 2 months I have been suffering. Nothing exciting otherwise except for being in the King's Gauntlet in MH and World Red Cross Day coming up on Sunday.

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