Monday, 6 June 2011

Work Stress and Naughty Kitty

Ok so work was really stressful to be honest. I can't wait for my long leave in July where 2 whole weeks I'll be away. It is not that I don't like my job but I feel even the off days are too short. I wish we could just work 2 days and take 5 days off with the same pay lol. While the customer is always right, I wish they have common sense as in reading terms and conditions and asking questions before purchasing something. I once asked myself this question "If the customer is always right, then stealing wouldn't be a crime? What if the customer smacks you or uses profainity?"Think about it...

I visited Imran and Izlin in the evening and had a pleasant visit. It was nice but the kitten which was on Imran's shoulder when he was singing and Han Zhang referred to it as "puny" is somewhere between a kitten and a tom cat lol. To make its presence known to me, that kitten nibbled my fingers unexpectedly while I was talking with Imran's dad in the living room. That gave me a shock lol. It seems to like Izlin and simply jumps around. Unfortunately, I left my jacket behind but luckily I have a spare one at home but not sure when I will be meeting them again. Oh well.

Nothing extraordinary in MouseHunt except that I am hunting in SG (Seasonal Garden) to increase my tower's amplifier and go back to Zugzwang's Tower to go after the Chessmaster Mouse. Difficult I know when your rank is "Lord" since the maximum power percentage is 150% but worth a try.

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