It has been a year a painful memory I lost a friend over a fight on MSN and his blog which was never meant to happen. Well, what goes around comes around my friend and unlike the person who put me and my friends and the school down openly revealing my name and calling my members brainless, I'll be professional. Although he and I do say hi occassionally (he lives 5 minutes away from me and we belong to the same voluntary organization), things were never the same. Also, despite what he did, I didn't take it on his little brother who remained neutral on this matter. Why not? His brother did nothing to me.
Going back to how it all started. It was a gloomy Saturday morning on 6 March 2010 which also happens to be a teacher's birthday and the school's cross country. He came as a guest to help out but unfortunately, overstepped his boundaries with his comments and remarks insulting the members. When he came online, I briefly told him the remarks made by him were unacceptable and some members didn't like the way he treated them verbally. Well, if you know how to correct others, you should accept corrections yourself but in this case, he became defensive calling members brainless. My reply to this was simple "If they are brainless, then so are you because it takes one to know another". The last thing I expected him to do was post his rude remark condemning me and my members on his blog. Well, what was upsetting was, the school leader's classmate was the one who discovered it and reported to us and of course this caused tension. A few friends became defensive but no amount of words would make him remove his remarks on me or against the members. There ended a friendship of almost a year and I wished it never happened. This is not something I expect from a young adult.
Quite recently, I scrolled through his blog and discovered, the same was done to him and he was upset about it that someone wrote about him on someone elses blog telling that's unprofessional. Ah, but didn't you do the same? What difference does it make? You said people are free to post as they like but you cannot accept when it's done to you. Well, karma does exist and remember "What goes around, comes around". When it happens to you, you then realize the pain you caused to others. At least I don't mention names. I feel sorry for you but I do hope you have learnt a hard lesson on this. If you're still stubborn and refuse to believe that what you did only came back to you, then you seriously need to go for a brain transplant XD